Well the problem with this man, regardless of whether he appears to warn against technology, is that he presents the future as an inevitability. As if we don't have the agency or free will to decide our own fate. And the higher-ups such as Schwab seem quite enthusiastic, encouraging this version of the future in his work such the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution. And we can clearly see the direction things are trending. Actions speak louder than his so-called warning. These madmen are completely divorced from God or any higher power that would temper such inhuman ambitions. Technology is a tool and without morality can and will be used for evil. The solution to stop this are moratoriums on GMO humans and Neural or any under the skin technology that interferes with human consciousness. Human cloning has been banned, so there is precedent. These are the conversations we need to be having now with our family, friends and representatives while we still have time before this monstrosity is forcefully thrust upon us.

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